Aluminium anodising line

Aluminium anodising line


Any service reliant on local labor or facilities is fairly expensive in Australia. With a lot of small aluminium parts to anodize on an irregular basis, doing this process in-house is quick, cheap, and gives a lot of flexibility relative to outsourcing. From left-to-right you can see the caustic dip, rinsing, anodizing, dyeing and sealing baths. The anodizing process generates a lot of heat, which is removed using the blue tub full of ice water. The dyeing and sealing baths are temperature-controlled using electric frying pans.

Aluminium anodising line

Aluminium anodising line


Any service reliant on local labor or facilities is fairly expensive in Australia. With a lot of small aluminium parts to anodize on an irregular basis, doing this process in-house is quick, cheap, and gives a lot of flexibility relative to outsourcing. From left-to-right you can see the caustic dip, rinsing, anodizing, dyeing and sealing baths. The anodizing process generates a lot of heat, which is removed using the blue tub full of ice water. The dyeing and sealing baths are temperature-controlled using electric frying pans.